Ookuma has an Amazon Wishlist

Hey everyone,

This is predominately aimed at the folks that don’t have or follow Ookuma on twitter, but he has an amazon wishlist. I know a bunch of folks have done their part to support the series with buying the BD’s, manga, LN, and other merchandise. However consider purchasing something off his amazon wishlist. Especially if you want to extend your thanks beyond likes, retweets, and comments. It would be nice to see the fandom give back to one of the dudes that has given us so much over the years.

*EDIT* I bought the Copic markers for him.

Side Characters Deserve there chance in the limelight

I had a plan for this month, but then I got sick (i’m one of those people that never get sick), which has resulted in going with Why I Can’t Be Honest With You . Anyways I really like this chapter, because it focuses on two characters that don’t really get all that much focus. Rikka turning into a bumbling idiot because of Basara is funny. I’m personally not the biggest Nanao fan (vampire fangs just aren’t my thing) however, I like the way she was written in this particular scene. The gender pronouns sometimes switch between he and she on purpose. At this point, Nanao was still conflicted about how she self identified, as well as her feelings for Basara.

Hopefully Afeuria blesses me with a speedy recovery, because I hate being sick.

No update until after Board Man Makes his Decision

Hey folks,

I’m a big NBA fan and won’t be posting an update until Kawhi Leonard makes his decision on free agency. Hopefully he makes the right choice, because I’m not sure what i’m going to do if he doesn’t lol.

In Shinmai related news,

Although we’re way past the original “early 2019” (by Uesu’s own words in the Sneaker) and the “Spring 2019” (that was advertised in Overdone volume 1), we do have an update on the status of volume 13. Ookuma said back on the 16th of June that it’s coming soon. So the wait continues.