Amazon finally updated their product page with the cover of volume 13 and they also included this sleeve with the announcement that the series has reached 3.2 million copies in print circulation! This 3.2 million doesn’t include a restock of volume 12. To this day, you can’t buy a physical copy of volume 12 from a store. It has to be done second hand. So that 3.2 million would probably be higher if they gave volume 12 a restock.
Anyways it’s a great time to be a fan of shinmai and it’s nice to see the series being celebrated in the lead up to the conclusion of the series.
Come on, where is Chisato pre-order bonus… It takes them so long
Will uesu make shinmai sequel story after seeing these numbers
<3 <3 Best Ecchi
Have we seen/heard anymore about Sapphire?
We only know that she was captured trying to save Raphaeline.
What are the chances she’ll appear in this volume?
we’ve known for the past 3 years she’s going to appear in this volume lol.
I’m not an expert like you.
You don’t have to be an expert to know that Jin’s been in the divine realm since the end of volume 11.
I didn’t know that either, I only care about the MILFs.
You should have read more carefully with regards to the characters you care about then.
Not sure what chapters she appears in.
Who wants to live in the same house with seven pregnant women and then the following years with seven crying babies in the house.
8 pregnant women to be exact and 8 crying babies. Celis and Nanao are in the harem
Its even worse than that, do you really think basara and his girls will really stop at 1 baby each?
???. True and you forgot about Jin toujou. Something tells me that Raphaeline and Sapphire would have children telling from Jin’s personality. But that’s just me wishing ??
You must forget one of Basara’s wives is a goddess who can pretty much do anything.
This is what I hope the sex of each kid will be when they are born:
Mio – Son
Maria – Daughter
Yuki – Son
Kurumi – Daughter
Zest – Daughter
Chisato – Son
Celis – Daughter
Nanao – Son
I’m really hoping we get Toujou babies.
I was hoping that celis has a son
You must have read my mind because I just realized I got Celis and Nanao the wrong way around. I’d rather see Celis with a son and Nanao with a daughter.
Out of interest, why would you prefer to see Celis with a son?
Personally, I think Celis having a son fits her personality better since she grew up beating all the boys.
What do you think/hope the sex of every other kid will be?
Since Basara hooked up with his aunt and sisters should they be careful of the kids hooking up with each other
Basara and Chisato are cousins.
Wait what. I thought chisato was basara’s Aunt?
Chisato and Raphaeline are cousins. Basara is the child of Raphaeline. This makes Chisato Basara’s first cousin once removed. The “once removed” denotes the generation that exists between them (ie. Raphaeline and Chisato being first cousins belonging to the same generation).
Thanks ?. I’ve finally understood
Well, it’s a fiction and Chisato is a goddess so technically they can do whatever they want and his grandkdis won’t be mutants…
Also Mio and Maria are not his sisters by blood so that’s that.
didnt chisato say that she was a distant relative to her
That was back when Basara wasn’t aware of everything. Once he’s aware of everything she refers to Raphaeline as her cousin.